Dubsado Helps Me Be Great!


Family time is SUPER important.

So is excellent service.

Dubsado allows me to do both well.

The automation of client support is key to allowing me to be able to spend quality time with these people who mean more than the world to me.

As a doula, it is important for me to be able to respond to clients, provide support and information in a timely manner, and make sure appointments are scheduled and not missed.

What that may look like for me is spending the day with my family and burning the midnight oil for my clients.

But, who wants to receive email at midnight? Not I!

Dubsado allows me to schedule what I send to my clients during an appropriate time of day. It frees my days up to focus on my family.

And when I’m not focused on them, I’m fully focused on building PDA, my client relationships, and serving in my community.

Happy 4th birthday, Dubsado! 🎉

Thank you for helping me to be an awesome mom and an incredible business owner!

What tools do you have that allow you to be great in more than one aspect of your life? Think Dubsado could help you free up a bit more time?

Try it for FREE! You can take Dubsado for a spin with up to 3 clients FOREVER. No credit card info necessary. Click the button below to have a look around. It’s an affiliate link, but costs you nothing extra.

Check it out!

Tenaj Ikner

Pasadena Doula Associates offers expert doula services for pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Our experienced team provides compassionate support, evidence-based guidance, and personalized care, ensuring you have the confidence to embrace every step of parenthood—your trusted companion in Pasadena, CA and surrounding cities.